Thursday 28 August 2014

Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner.

Regarding to my yesterday's entry, I've got quite number of responses from my friends yang read my entry tu. Most of them are very curious about my eating plan or diet harian aku. Ada yang bertanya;

"eh, camne ko makan ek?"
"any special meal for diet?'
"kongsi la camne ko makan, ape benda yang ko makan"
"ehh ko tak makan malam ke?"
"skip breakfast ehh?"

Okay-okay, aku bukan seorang yang kedekut ilmu nak share ngan kengkawan aku. Jadi I try my best untuk share semua pemakanan dan diet yang aku buat sebelum ni untuk turunkan berat badan. Jadi to all that questions, here are my answers:

1) I don't skip any meals.

At any cost i'll make sure i eat something for every breakfast, lunch and dinner even though aku makan biskut kering je & air masak . Kita sebenarnya tak boleh skip any meals especially the main three meals tu; breakfast, lunch and dinner. If you skip a meal then you'll starve yourself kan, when that happen your body will think that you are starving to death. Your body will slow down your rate of metabolism. When you eat, your body slows down the metabolism and the energy comes from the food takkan diproses to tenaga. Why? Your body will store it as fat for further starvation yang terjadi bila ko skip meals. So, ko berlaparlah macam mana pun, berat badan ko takkan turun dan kalo turun pun berat badan korang akan cepat naik balik (yoyo effect).

2) There are special diet. 

Special diet here means aku tak makan benda yang aku used makan before freely without restriction. For the first 2 months i didn't touch fast food at all (mekdi, kepsi, pizza, burger king, subway or whatsover yang falls under fast food or processed food.) Aku hanya makan the three main meals je which are breakfast, lunch and dinner and they are only single plate; no appetizer no desserts hokay. Aku memang particular in the amount of calories intake in my daily meals. I take low calories intake for each meal tapi aku make sure they are healthy and satisfying. For further details, jom tengok kat bawah ni:

*breakfast - only before 9 a.m, past 9 a.m i don't take breakfast. 
                 - a cup of sweet drink (tea, coffee or low fat milk) + a cup of plain water
                 - two slices of toast bread / 3 pieces of kueh / a small pack of oat krunch biscuits 
                 - most importantly, i watch on my daily calories intake, for breakfast not more than 500kcal a                          day. 
*lunch - between 12.30 p.m to 4.00 p.m but i'll make sure i take lunch before 2.00 p.m
           - a moderate size of plate, half of the plate i stuck with veggies, 1/4 white rice/brown rice, 1/4 dishes
           - avoid oily dishes, deep fried, flour based deep fried chicken
           - a glass of plain water

*dinner - segenggam nuts (almonds, pistachios, cashews but not peanut) / plain biscuits (corn based)
            - plain water / honey + lemon drinks

**If i crave for sweets or snacks, i munch almonds coz i find they really satisfies my appetite. This is because almonds have many benefits for our body. They contain 20 times more protein than other cereals, high level of vit B compare to eggs, high in fosforus more than milk or cheese, high level of fat but 90% from it is unsaturated fat which is needed by our body. Almonds also good in fighting against obesity which means it can helps to reduce weight. From a research shown by the International Journal of Obesity and Related Metabolic Disorders, it has been reported that a diet plan fills with almonds can help to overcome obesity better than low calories intake diet from complex carbohydrate. So maknanya almonds memang bagus and help to fight obesity. Dan satu fakta penting yang pasti wanita suka ialah almonds mampu mengurangkan lilitan pinggang dan mengurang lemak badan. Jadi secara tak langsung korang akan jadi slim bak kerengga.

3) Plain water is a must.

Air kosong memang aku tak tinggal. Aku akan pastikan aku minm air kosong dengan banyak tapi taklah banyak bertong tong sehari. Aku amalkan air kosong sebanyak 2500ml - 3000ml sehari termasuklah air kosong yang aku minum dalam kesemua main meals tadi tu. Satu info berkenaan air kosong ni aku tak pasti sejauh mana kesahihannya, iaitu minum air kosong yang banyak boleh menyebabkan kematian. Yang ni aku tak pasti, kalo korang ada terbaca pasal ni bolehlah respond kat aku, kite share2 info ye. Tapi setakat ni, 3L sehari tu tak membawa kepada kematian aku lagi lah. 

4) Plenty workouts.

Pasal ni memang aku tak tinggal. Aku akan pastikan aku workout setiap hari walaupun hanya untuk satu jam. Ada yang bertanya, tak boleh ke workout 1/2 jam je? Jawapan aku ialah NO!! Why? Because badan kita akan mula membakar lemak selepas 1/2 jam pertama kita workout. Bermula dari saat pertama sehinggalah minit yang ke 30 tu, badan kita hanya warming up tapi tak bakar even sekecil zarah lemak lagi dalam badan kita. After 30 minits barulah mula membakar. Jadi kalo korang workout 30 mins je memang rugilah sebab badan korang takkan membakar lemak dalam tempoh yang singkat tu. Dapat letih je. Workouts yang sering jadi pilihan aku ialah cardio workouts contohnya, badminton, jogging, jumping rope or cycling sebab these workouts burns more calories and they are very effective workouts.

Panjang beno entry aku buat kali ni, ye la, banyak sebenarnya dalam kepala aku ni benda yang aku nak tulis tapi tak tertulis kat sini. InsyaAllah next time, ada masa aku buat entry pasal ni lagi. Selamat membaca dan mencuba!! ^_^

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